Page 26 - ZEB Final Report 2009-2017
P. 26

26    |   ZEB Zero Emission Buildings  |  Final Report 2017

                      Vojislav Novakovic               Jens Tønnesen                    Thorhildur Fjola
                      Professor, Department            PhD Candidate                    Kristjansdottir
                      of Energy and Process            ZEB, Department of               PhD Candidate, ZEB,
                      Engineering, NTNU                Energy and Process               Department of Architecture
                                                       Engineering, NTNU                and Technology, NTNU

          New Methods

          for Ventilation


          A new method achieves optimal design of

          ventilation systems for ZEBs – with minimum

          overall environmental impact.

          The design of buildings and technical  the existing ductwork. Calculations are  the use of materials which are needed
          installations is a creative process aiming  made with the average environmental  for constructing the entire ductwork
          at constructing systems that fulfill given  impact of electricity generation over the  and the electrical energy which the fan
          requirements in an optimal manner.  next 30 years of 0.3 kg CO2-equivalents/  requires to overcome the pressure drop
          To achieve this, the design team uses  kWhel.                    through the ventilation systems over the
          a comprehensive calculation toolbox   Optimization is a complicated  entire lifetime. To provide input for the
          equipped with different simulation  process of balancing between several  optimization, it was necessary to create
          and optimization software. In ZEBs,  competing factors. As regards ventilation  data for the environmental impact (the
          the requirement is minimum overall  systems, small duct sizes require less  life cycle inventory data) for circular
          environmental impact of greenhouse gas  material, ductworks conflict less with the  ducts, 90° bends, connections, VAV
          emissions from all embedded materials,  building construction and usually reduce  dampers, silencers, and air diffusers.
          in addition to energy used for operation  investment costs. However, the pressure
          over the entire lifetime.       drop increases, which consequently
            The optimization technique «genetic  demands greater electricity use for the   Further reading: Tønnesen, J. and T.
          algorithm» is applied on a case ventilation  operation of the fan. Larger ducts affect   Kristjansdottir. Life cycle approach as a
                                                                           method for optimizing building services
          system found in an existing passive office  required installation heights and thus   systems in extremely low energy buildings.
          building. The optimized solution reduces  need increased floor height and extra   In Sustainable Built Environment Conference
          the environmental impact (kg CO2  façade material.               2016 in Hamburg : Strategies – Stakeholders
                                                                           – Success factors. 2016. ZEBAU, Hamburg.
          equivalents) of ductworks by 16% and the   The optimization method includes   https://publikationen.bibliothek.kit.
          energy use of fans by 25% compared to  the environmental impact from both   edu/1000051699
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