Page 31 - ZEB Final Report 2009-2017
P. 31

Outside Comfort Zones & How can Zero Emission Buildings Become the Norm?        |  31

                                                                             “Make it, dammit. It is not exactly
                                                                             rocket science. It demands
                                                                             something from the power industry,
                                                                             of course, but they think differently
                                                                             and that is probably part of the
                                                                             problem.” - Entrepreneur

           ZEB in the Norwegian Innovation System:

          How can Zero Emission

          Buildings Become the Norm?

          In order to take energy generating buildings out of the niche and into

          the big market, both the industry and the public must be won over.

                                                           hydropower. To help energy generating buildings break out
                      Ann Kristin Kvellheim                of the niche, empowerment is a protection strategy which
                      PhD Candidate, ZEB, Department of    strengthens the niche by, for example, providing a supporting
                      Interdisciplinary Studies of Culture, NTNU
                                                           narrative (Raven and Verbong, 2009, Raven et al., 2016).
                                                           Eventually, the niche can enter or challenge the regime, which
                                                           comprises the dominant actors and incumbents.
          Policy is ambivalent with regard to distributed power   For this study, 32 interviews were conducted with decision-
          production, which is an important feature of Zero Emission  makers and experts, both advocates and opponents of energy
          Buildings. Proponents and opponents of energy generating  generating buildings. A narrative in support of the niche argues
          buildings have developed different narratives to persuade the  that renewable energy generation (in buildings) replaces more
          “public” about the (dis)advantages of such buildings. How  polluting energy sources in other sectors. This is “the alternative
          can the narrative in support of energy generating buildings  use” argument. The anti-narrative claims that the current
          convince the public?                             centralized energy generation is both clean and cheap and that
             Transition studies have illustrated how innovations are  energy is in abundance; there is no need for distributed energy
          protected in niches where they develop before eventually  generation. If the narrative supporting energy generating
          becoming exposed to a market (Smith and Raven, 2012). Within  buildings is to win public support, it must argue more in
          ZEB, energy generating buildings have been studied as a niche  line with challenges as defined by the regime incumbents. In
          in a Norwegian context based on centralized production of  Norway, this would mean addressing the challenge of peak load.

          References: RAVEN, R., KERN, F., VERHEES, B. & SMITH, A. 2016. Niche construction and empowerment through socio-political work. A meta-
          analysis of six low-carbon technology cases. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 18, 164-180.
          RAVEN, R. P. J. M. & VERBONG, G. P. J. 2009. Boundary crossing innovations: Case studies from the energy domain. Technology in Society, 31, 85-93.
          SMITH, A. & RAVEN, R. 2012. What is protective space? Reconsidering niches in transitions to sustainability. Research Policy, 41, 1025-1036.
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