Page 42 - ZEB Final Report 2009-2017
P. 42

42    |   ZEB Zero Emission Buildings  |  Final Report 2017

          The Myth Busters

          In their PhD theses, Steinar Grynning and Francesco Goia challenge the assumption
          that large glass facades result in heat loss in zero emission buildings.

          In the 90’s, preventing leakages around large areas of glass was  hard facts. This is the way forward, says Grynning, who has
          what was difficult. According to researchers, an even greater  actively used the ZEB laboratories in his research.
          challenge in the future will be that constructions are airtight   Francesco Goia has a background as a technical architect
          and too warm, even for Nordic climates.          from the University of Turin, and during the course of five years
            − I have worked a lot to optimize glass areas in office  at ZEB he has worked with everything from components to
          buildings, evaluating which characteristics best reduce  designing and combining systems in test buildings, such as the
          energy use and increase comfort. This has resulted in a better  Living Lab and Test Cell.
          understanding of the problems involved, and has contributed   − I try to make use of good existing solutions so that they
          refinements to the belief that large expanses of glass result in  can support and optimize the performance of the building with
          heat loss and high electricity bills, says Steinar Grynning.   respect to glass facades.  Good shading from the sun and local
            Today, building specifications require windows to have a  control in the building are key words here. You must be sure
          U-value of 0,8. By way of comparison, windows in a 10-year-old  that you do not heat when it is not necessary and that users can
          house have a U-value of about 2,0. With values down towards  feel comfortable without too much automation. In our opinion,
          0,6,  future solutions will not only keep energy use low but will,  the research on the human aspects of ZEBs has been important.
          in addition, achieve an improved indoor environment with   As ZEB nears completion, Goia wants to look further afield,
          respect to natural light.                        across national boundaries.
            The industry, however, has been critical. Windows must   − ZEB is unique in Europe. We must now apply the
          tolerate variations in temperature and pressure and must be  knowledge we have gained to develop solutions for other
          robust enough to withstand transportation and installation.   countries. Our research has potentially wide relevance. Now is
            − We will continue to work so that we will be able to present  the time to think big.

          “Good shading from the
          sun and local control in the
          building are the key.”

                                                                         Francesco Goia, Associate Professor, NTNU
                                                                             (ZEB PhD) and Steinar Grynning, Senior
                                                                                  Researcher, SINTEF (ZEB PhD).
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