Page 44 - ZEB Final Report 2009-2017
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44 | ZEB Zero Emission Buildings | Final Report 2017
ZEB Indoor
It is an on-going challenge to achieve a low-energy system while
maintaining an acceptable indoor climate, and results are highly
dependent on the ventilation, heating, and cooling of the building.
Odin Budal Søgnen area of each floor. No heating source is located near windows
Energy Engineer, Caverion Esco, due to their high insulation values.
MSc in Energy and Environmental Ventilation effectiveness was measured using a tracer gas
Engineering, ZEB (in this case nitrous oxide) which made it possible to analyze
the replacement of air in the building. All in all, the ventilation
strategy at Powerhouse Kjørbo works well, and the occupants
Powerhouse Kjørbo is a renovated office building from 1979, are highly satisfied with the air quality in the building. However,
consisting of two blocks, one with three floors and the other the results showed an effectiveness of around 50-60 %, where
with four. It received the highest grade, “Outstanding”, from 0 % is stagnant air and 100 % is perfect air replacement. The
BREEAM-NOR and is designed to use ~60 kWh/m per year, “low” effectiveness is explained by a short circuiting of the
compared to today’s requirement of 145 kWh/m . supply and extract air, in addition to furniture in the open office
The goal of the Master’s thesis was to evaluate indoor which prevented fresh air from reaching certain parts of the
air quality and temperature distribution in a renovated zero open landscape as effectively as it should. Due to the reduced
emission office building. It is an on-going challenge to achieve effectiveness, it is also difficult in some areas in the open
a low-energy system while maintaining an acceptable indoor landscape to remove excess heat.
climate, and results are highly dependent on the ventilation, The results show that even though the walls and windows
heating, and cooling of the building. have very little heat loss, the heat distribution is sensitive to
The 2 floor of Block 4, with four floors, was used for the rooms with closed doors.
temperature and ventilation fieldwork experiments. Powerhouse
Kjørbo utilizes a displacement ventilation strategy, and the
main extract is through a central open staircase reaching from
entrance floor to the top floor where the air-handling unit Odin Budal Søgnen graduated with an MSc in Energy and
(AHU) is placed. The heating strategy uses hydronic heating Environmental Engineering through ZEB in 2015.
with 6-8 large radiators (~2 m each) placed around the central