Page 43 - ZEB Final Report 2009-2017
P. 43

The Myth Busters & Inluence of Occupant Behaviour     |  43

             Inluence of

             Occupant Behaviour

             Usman Ijaz Dar now makes use of all
             the research he carried out in ZEB in

             his work as an energy consultant in
             Sweco Norge.

                                                                   Usman Ijaz Dar, Energy Consultant, SWECO (ZEB PhD).

          Usman has applied research results in  residential buildings.    the heating system so that a heat pump
          Net-Zero emission building projects   The wide diversity in occupant  shows better performance for houses
          and urban districts, such as the first  behaviour and their interaction with  with higher heating needs and vice-versa.
          Norwegian hybrid solar project at Varden  the building’s systems is a challenge in  Greater consumption of hot water has a
          School, the plan evaluation report for  behavioural modelling and its application  clear influence on the heating systems.
          ZEB-COM hospital in the municipality of  to building simulation tools.   The study recommends considering
          Gjøvik, and the plan evaluation report to   − A state-of-the art occupancy model  the family-size variation of households
          achieve the highest level of self-supply for  was adjusted to reproduce occupant  already in the design phase in order to
          the Spelhaugen area (ca. 400 000 m²).   behaviour in residential buildings,  optimize system design strategies.
            − I have been given the chance to  and that behaviour was coupled to the
          work within my field of interest. I now  building simulation models in order to  4. Research revealed interesting results
          work as energy consultant in Sweco Norge  study the effect on the performance of the  in the context of zero emission buildings
          and make much use of all the research I  building, Dar says.     and neighbourhoods. The study showed
          have done in ZEB. I thoroughly enjoy my                          that household variations would lead
          work and look forward to contributing  Research Highlights:      to gaps in zero emission targets at the
          positively to the construction industry in  1. The occupant behaviour model showed  building level, but an analysis at the
          the future.                     interesting temporal variations in  cluster level identified several synergies.
            In the work on his thesis Influence of  internal gains for households and their  Research closely investigated different
          occupants’ behaviour on the performance  hot water use profiles. The model showed  correlations between photovoltaic energy
          of Net-Zero Emission Buildings, he found  a large diversity in annual energy use  generation and building vs cluster level
          that:                           and thereby heat emission in a household  energy use.
            − Accurate prediction of energy  due to different choices of appliance and
          use in buildings is a crucial factor in  lighting use.           5. Finally, research looked into
          realizing the national targets for energy                        flexibilities which could be achieved at
          and CO2 emission reductions. However,  2. In the research, the realistic occupant  the building level using local hot water
          scientific studies and statistical data  behaviour was integrated into the  storage tanks and investigated increased
          point towards significant gaps between  building model, and its influence on the  self-consumption of photovoltaic energy
          the (model) predicted and actual energy  net heating demand was investigated  generation and grid exchange parameters
          use in buildings. Scientific investigation  using different levels of insulation. The  using various control strategies. The
          finds that occupant influence on a  investigation confirmed the increased  study reveals the possibility of almost
          building’s energy use is one of the major  importance of occupant behaviour  50% relative increase in self-consumption
          causes of this gap. The research therefore  within the building envelopes.  compared to standard control but
          focused on employing realistic occupant                          identifies degradation in heating system
          behaviours in the building models and  3. Internal heat gains have direct  performance and thereby more energy
          thereby quantifying their influence in  influence on annual performance of  use at the building level.
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