Page 41 - ZEB Final Report 2009-2017
P. 41

Master Education                        subjects as diverse as climate adapted envelopes,
                             ZEB research is heavily integrated in the   energy supply systems, and implementation of
                             international master program on Sustainable   ZEB solutions in practice. In addition, NTNU
                             Architecture at NTNU, in particular in the courses   offers a PhD course specifically aimed at giving
                             Integrated Energy Design and Emissions as Design   candidates an understanding of the reasons
                             Drivers - theory and design. In these courses,   for and all the issues involved in developing
                             students learn how to design and document zero   zero emission buildings. This course has been a
                             emission buildings, using methods, tools, and   requirement for all ZEB PhD candidates, but is
                             examples from the ZEB Centre.           also attended by students in other programs.
                                In addition, Master students in other programs   After the completion of their theses a number
                             have also made considerable contributions to FME   of Master students and PhD candidates have
                             ZEB. Usually, they take a specialization course of   started work at ZEB partner companies, see the
                             15 ETS during the autumn semester and work   following articles.
                             on their Master theses of 30 ETS during the
                             spring semester. The students have for instance   Continuing Education course at NTNU
                             been involved in taking field measurements in   In 2016, ZEB initiated and carried out a course
                             pilot buildings, measurements which have been   entitled Towards carbon neutral buildings – design
                             used to develop and verify models, and in more   of zero emission and plus energy buildings. This
                             theoretical tasks. They have also been involved in   course was a further development of the course
                             optimizing the operation of the energy systems of   Low energy and passive buildings, which was a
                             some buildings. A large number of students, from   very popular course for many years. The new
                             all the NTNU departments involved in ZEB, have   course was attended by professionals from the
                             done ZEB-related work for their Masters theses.   Norwegian building industry, including both
                                                                     architects and engineers, and focused on how to
                             PhD Education                           design and document zero emission buildings,
                             In total, 14 PhD candidates involved in research in   using examples from the ZEB research and pilot
                             the ZEB Centre have successfully defended their   building projects.
                             PhD theses at NTNU so far. These have worked on
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