Page 33 - ZEB Final Report 2009-2017
P. 33
Pilot Buildings: Lessons Learned | 33
Pilot Buildings:
Lessons Learned
During the course of the ZEB Centre´s work, nine pilot building projects
have been initiated. At the end of the ZEB program period, ive of
these projects have been constructed and are in use, two are under
construction, and two are still in the design phase.
All the ZEB pilot buildings have plans for post-occupancy
Inger Andresen measurement and evaluation with respect to energy
Professor, NTNU, performance, indoor environment and user satisfaction. Three
Work Package Leader, ZEB of the projects - Powerhouse Kjørbo, Visund, and Skarpnes -
have been in operation long enough to provide at least one year
of measurements. These measurements show that, overall, the
The projects are very different in size and type, ranging from total energy performance of the buildings corresponds well
single-family residential buildings (Skarpnes, ZEB Pilot House with predicted performance, i.e. goals have been met.
Larvik, Zero Village Bergen, and ZEB Living Lab) to office In the office building projects, measured energy use for
buildings (Powerhouse Kjørbo, Powerhouse Brattørkaia, and lighting seem to be slightly higher than predicted values. On
Visund) and educational buildings (Heimdal High School the other hand, measured output from the PV systems is higher
and Campus Evenstad). They are located in different climatic than predicted in all three projects. With respect to the indoor
conditions and contexts, from the relatively temperate and climate and functionality of the buildings, evaluations show
moist coastal climate of Bergen in the west of Norway, to the that, after start-up problems in some technical systems were
more sunny climate of Larvik in the east and the cold inland resolved, the buildings perform very well.
climate of Evenstad. Overall, the projects demonstrate that it is possible to
In all of the ZEB pilot building projects, an integrated achieve different levels of zero emission buildings by combining
energy design process has been used. This involves a process passive and active measures into an integrated whole.
of establishing clear goals for the environmental performance,
activating multi-disciplinary cooperation from day one,
and using advanced tools for performance documentation Further reading: Andresen I (2017). The ZEB pilot buildings, in
throughout the process. Applying appropriate tools and Zero Emission Buildings, A.G. Hestnes and N.L. Eik-Nes, Editors.
contracts for follow-up in construction and operation phases Fagbokforlaget: Bergen, Norway.
has also been crucial. Andresen I, Hegli T. (2017). Integrated Energy Design, in Zero Emission
Participants in the design and construction processes report Buildings, A.G. Hestnes and N.L. Eik-Nes, Editors. Fagbokforlaget:
that they have learned a lot by cooperating in the ZEB project, Bergen, Norway.
and that the knowledge they have acquired will be very useful Fufa SM, Schlanbusch RD, Sørnes K, Inman M, Andresen I (2016). A
in future work. Norwegian ZEB Deinition Guideline, ZEB report 29. Trondheim, Norway:
Innovations developed through the pilot buildings projects Sintef Academic Press; 2016.
include building integrated ventilation systems, envelope
constructions, energy performance contracts, and a method Moum A, Hauge LÅ, Thomsen J (2017). Four Norwegian Zero Emission
Pilot Buildings – Building Process and User Evaluation. ZEB report XX
and tool for documenting GHG emissions. (in press). Trondheim, Norway: Sintef Academic Press; 2017.