Page 36 - ZEB Final Report 2009-2017
P. 36

36    |   ZEB Zero Emission Buildings  |  Final Report 2017

                      Karen Byskov Lindberg
                      Senior Researcher, NVE (PhD ZEB)

          Large Scale Introduction of ZEBs in Norway:
          Will Reduce Electricity Prices

          This study investigates the effects of a large deployment of
          Zero Energy Buildings (ZEB) in Norway on the utilization of

          hydropower in 2030.

          A ZEB is a building with low energy demand, which generates,  Sweden, and Finland.
          on an annual basis, as much renewable energy as it consumes,   The findings show that ZEBs influence the optimal operation
          and is considered to be one of the key elements in reaching EUs  of the power system in two ways:
          20-20-20 goals. Introduction of a large number of ZEBs will
          significantly change the way buildings are integrated in the  1)  Through lower electricity demand in winter.
          power system, and system operators must consequently prepare  2)  Through on-site solar energy generation in summer.
          for changes in load profiles.
            However, knowledge on the aggregated impact of ZEBs is so   Hydropower contributes to 50 % of the total energy
          far limited because the actual number of such buildings is still  generation in the Nordic countries. Because solar electricity
          very small. This work contributes to filling the knowledge gap  generation increases in March-April, just before the spring
          by estimating the effect on the aggregated national load profile  floods, power producers lower levels in hydro reservoirs, thus
          of a large deployment of ZEBs in Norway.         reducing the spillage of water, which increases hydro power
            The operation of the Nordic power system in 2030 has been  production by 0,5 %. Further, the introduction of ZEBs leads
          investigated assuming that 50 % of the building stock in Norway  to reduced coal power production, reduced electricity prices,
          is replaced with ZEBs. The simulations use a detailed power  and increased electricity export from the Nordic countries to
          market model of the Nordic countries, i.e. Denmark, Norway,  Europe.

                                                                                   Nordic electricity production
                                         week 25                                   mix in a summer week in 2030,
                60                                                     nuclear     with 50 % of the building stock
                                                                       coal        in Norway being ZEBs heated
                40                                                     lignite     by heat pumps. Nordic total.
               GWh/h                                                   peat
                 0                                                     PV
                   0     24     48     72     96    120    144         hydro
                                     Hour of the week
   31   32   33   34   35   36   37   38   39   40   41