Page 34 - ZEB Final Report 2009-2017
P. 34

34    |   ZEB Zero Emission Buildings  |  Final Report 2017

          International Cooperation

          Researchers from the ZEB Centre have collaborated internationally throughout the

          duration of the centre. The collaboration has taken place in a number of ways; e.g.
          through participation in meetings and conferences, the exchange of researchers,
          through bilateral collaboration, and through engagement in larger research consortia.

          Exchange of PhD candidates has taken   (SHC) Tasks. Examples are  IEA EBC  establishment of the ZEB Centre (and the
          place with e.g. Lawrence Berkeley   Annex 57 Evaluation of Embodied  research carried out by the centre) has
          National Laboratory – LBNL (USA),   Energy and CO2 Emissions for Building  resulted in a larger success-rate for NTNU
          Fraunhofer  ISE  (Germany),  and  Construction and IEA EBC Annex 67  and SINTEF related to EU projects and a
          Xian University of Architecture and   Energy Flexible Buildings. In many of the  greater number of invitations to join new
          Technology (China). ZEB researchers and   IEA projects ZEB representatives have  initiatives, including the H2020 program.
          PhD candidates have stayed from a month   played leading roles, and the projects  NTNU will hire a project developer from
          to a year at international institutions.   have provided valuable research input  the field of zero emission buildings and
          The ZEB Centre also had several visiting   and results. Collaboration has also  neighbourhoods to work towards the
          researchers and PhD candidates; e.g.,   taken place in EU projects and Cost  EU and the H2020 program and to take
          one employee from a Japanese company   actions, examples include  RetroKit  advantage of the competence developed
          stayed two years with the centre to learn   – Toolboxes for systemic retrofitting,  in ZEB.
          more about advanced facades and ended   EFFESUS – Energy Efficiency for EU   An international advisory committee
          up completing a PhD at NTNU.     Historic Districts’ Sustainability and  (with representatives from LBNL, Aalborg
            ZEB    researchers  have  also  ZenN – Near Zero energy Neighborhoods,  University, Franhofer ISE, and Linköping
          collaborated actively through the   and  COST TU1403 Adaptive Facades  University) has given valuable guidance
          International Energy Agency (IEA)   Network. IEA and EU projects facilitate  to the ZEB Board and management team
          Energy in Buildings and Communities   valuable interaction with universities  throughout the duration of the centre.
          (EBC) Annexes, Heat Pump (HP)    and research organizations as well   Researchers from the ZEB Centre
          Annexes, and Solar Heating and Cooling   as with industry representatives. The  have been highly active on the
                                                                           international arena, giving talks and
                                                                           lectures at international conferences and
                                                                           meetings, and on several occasions as
                                                                           keynote and invited lecturers. A number
                                                                           of conference contributions have resulted
                                                                           in best student or best conference paper
                                                                              ZEB partners are also very active on
                                                                           the international arena, e.g. Snøhetta
                                                                           uses ZEB knowledge in architecture
                                                                           competitions around the world (e.g.
                                                                           China and USA).
                                                                              Finally, ZEB researchers have
                                                                           organized  International  Summer
                                                                           Schools and contributed to the
                                                                           NTNU International MSc program in
                                                                           Sustainable Architecture. The students
                                                                           from this program take ZEB knowledge
                                                                           back to their countries, ensuring that
                                                                           the zero emission buildings concept is
          Example of international collaboration through organization of an international summer   known and used all around the world.
          school in Shanghai 2016. The Experts in team teaching model from NTNU was used on
          the topic Sustainable Energy in Cities.
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