Page 35 - ZEB Final Report 2009-2017
P. 35

International Cooperation & Awards and Keynotes    |  35

          Awards and Keynotes

          A number of ZEB's researchers and PhD candidates have been particularly

          successful upon the international research scene. In this section two examples are
          given, a PhD candidate who received an award at an international conference,
          and a keynote presentation.

          ZEB Awards, Invited Lectures and Keynotes

           NAME              ACTION AND LOCATION             TITLE                           DATE

          Berit Time         Keynote: The Finnish Building Physics   Adaption of buildings to a changing   27.10.2009
                             Symposium in Tampere, Finland   climate in Norway – recent and future
                                                             research work
          Bjørn Petter Jelle  Keynote: 3rd Building Enclosure   Innovative High Performance Thermal   02-04.04.2012
                             Science & Technology (BEST 3 - 2012)   Building Insulation Materials - Today’s
                             Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, USA  State-of-the-Art and Beyond Tomorrow
          Vojislav Novakovic  Invited lecture: The Research Institute   Research programmes on Zero Energy   15.06.2013
                             for Sustainable Urban Development   and Emission Buildings in Norway and
                             - RIUSD, International Workshop on   North Europe
                             Building Energy Eficiency, Hong Kong,

          Vojislav Novakovic  Invited visiting professor lecture:   Zero Energy or Zero Emission   23.09.2013
                             Faculty of Mechanical Engineering,   Buildings (ZEBs) - What is difference
                             University of Belgrade, Serbia.  and how far are we to achieving them?
          Thomas Berker      Keynote: 13th annual STS conference,   Rethinking energy eficiency in the   05-06.05.2014
                             Graz, Austria                   built environment
          Bjørn Petter Jelle   Keynote: TechConnect World    The High Performance Thermal    15-19.06.2014
                             Innovation Conference 2014 -    Building Insulation Materials of
                             Cleantech 2014 Energy and Eficiency   Beyond Tomorrow - From Concept to
                             Conference, Washington DC, USA,  Experimental Investigations

          Jens Tønnesen      Best Young Researcher Award for   Life cycle approach as a method for   07-11.03.2016
          & Torhildur        international conference Sustainable   optimizing building services
          Kristjansdottir    Built Environment 2016, Hamburg  systems in extremely low energy
          Bjørn Petter Jelle  Invited Lecture: TechConnect   A Review of Research Pathways and   22-25.05.2016
                             World Innovation Conference 2016,   Opportunities for Building Integrated
                             Washington DC, USA              Photovoltaics from a Materials
                                                             Science Perspective
          Marianne R. Inman &   Outstanding Contribution Award,   Life cycle GHG emissions of material   23.06.2016
          Aoife H. Wiberg    Central Europe towards Sustainable   use in Living laboratory
                             Building 2016 conference, Prague

          Arild Gustavsen    Keynote: Sustainable Built      Zero Emission Buildings – From   05-07.10.2016
                             Environment Conference 2016, Tallinn   deinition to demonstration buildings
                             and Helsinki
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