Page 48 - ZEB Final Report 2009-2017
P. 48

The Effects of the

          Centre for the Partners

          and Society at Large

          The declared main objective of the Research Centre on Zero   for the completion of activities and for the planning for
          Emission Buildings (ZEB Centre) is to develop knowledge,   future research partnerships. Feedback from the 2016 partner
          competitive products, and solutions for existing and new   evaluation, where 12 out of 22 user partners participated, points
          buildings that will lead to the market penetration of buildings   to expectations being mostly fulfilled:
          with zero greenhouse gas emissions related to their production,   “ZEB has been a powerhouse in the effort to reduce
          operation, and demolition, looking at the whole life cycle of   greenhouse gas emissions from buildings. - ZEB has helped
          buildings. The creation of innovations and market value in   to highlight research needs, diagnosing significant issues, and
          collaboration with research, company and public partners   showhow they can become opportunities.”
          has been essential to achieve this aim. Concrete results from   Partners expressed some impatience with the slow
          the partnership are presented throughout the report, but   development of research activities. They did not always see
          particularly in the following section, success stories and   the need to spend so much time on “state-of-the-art”, but also
          solutions that are still being developed. A list presenting some   understood that this way of working was new for them and that
          of the innovations developed by the Centre is included.   some patience was required. During the Centre's lifetime, there
            Feedback from partners gathered through the obligatory   was increasing focus on the need for good communication of
          mid-way evaluation and from ZEB's own partner evaluation   results. There are two sides to this. (1) Frustration with the
          from 2016 shows a group of 25 partners who have risen to the   regard to differences in language-use and communication
          challenge of participating in an FME Centre. Being part of a   techniques between user partners and researchers. (2) Pride
          Research Centre on Environmentally Friendly Energy (FME)   in what has been achieved by the ZEB Centre. The partners
          was a new experience for everyone involved in ZEB, and   also saw that they had themselves a responsibility if they were
          learning what worked well, what did not work well, as well as   to make the most of ZEB's success. Suggesting that a clear
          what can be improved in similar constellations was essential   company strategy and sufficient personnel are required.

          “ZEB has been a powerhouse in the effort to reduce
          greenhouse gas emissions from buildings. – ZEB has

          helped to highlight research needs, diagnosing signiicant

          issues, and showhow they can become opportunities.”
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