Page 58 - ZEB Final Report 2009-2017
P. 58

58    |   ZEB Zero Emission Buildings  |  Final Report 2017

                      Terje Jacobsen                                    Arild Gustavsen
                      Vice President, Research SINTEF,                  Professor, NTNU,
                      Industrial Liason, ZEB                            ZEB Centre Director

          Future Prospects

          The ZEB Centre has placed research, industry, and public partners in
          a position where everyone is able to design and build zero emission

          buildings, and has created laboratories and tools for the development
          of new zero emission building concepts and neighbourhoods.

          ZEN Centre - A new Research Centre on Zero          ZEB Living Laboratory is where humans meet technology.
          Emission Neighbourhoods in Smart Cities          The ZEB Living Laboratory is a multipurpose experimental
                                                           facility used for investigating how different users influence
          The ZEN Centre consortium received funding for a new Centre  energy use and how they use new technologies. The ZEB Living
          for Environment-friendly Energy Research (FME) in 2016.  Lab is a residential zero emission building and one of the ZEB
          The consortium consists of 34 partners, several from the ZEB  centre's pilot buildings.
          Centre, but also including a significant number of new partners.   ZEB Test Cell Laboratory is designed for testing energy
            The ZEN Centre will facilitate the transition to a low carbon  efficient, integrated building systems under realistic operational
          society by developing sustainable neighbourhoods with zero  conditions. The Test Cell is a development facility where
          greenhouse gas emissions. The ZEN Centre will speed up the  different elements of building materials, building envelopes,
          decarbonisation of the building stock (existing and new), use  energy installations, and control systems may be developed and
          more renewable energy sources, and create positive synergies  optimized together.
          among the building stock, energy, ICT and mobility systems,   Advanced Materials and Component Laboratories
          and citizens.                                    are used for development and research on building materials,
                                                           building envelope components, smart facades, technologies for
          ZEB Laboratories Continue to Play a Central Role  energy supply, and building services systems such as ventilation
          Norwegian Zero Emission Building Laboratory – ZEB
          Flexible Lab                                     New Projects
          The Norwegian building industry stresses that a facility for
          research on zero emission buildings is a necessary tool for  In addition to the ZEB and ZEN Centre activities, new projects on
          implementing full-scale zero emission buildings and for the  complementary topics such as smart facades, natural ventilation,
          development of technologies necessary for such buildings, also  and the upgrading of historic buildings have received funding.
          in the context of a neighbourhood. Risk reduction during the  Applications for new projects from the Research Council of
          development and testing of new technologies is an important  Norway and EU will also be prepared. NTNU will hire a project
          aspect; in addition, the ability to investigate integrated building  developer for the purpose of increasing the number of H2020
          technologies in a full-scale building is essential. The full-  projects. The new ZEB laboratories are unique facilities in this
          scale flexible building will provide research possibilities not  respect and have already proven to be useful.
          previously possible in Norway or internationally.
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