Page 53 - ZEB Final Report 2009-2017
P. 53

A Market Opportunity   |  53

                                                                                   “The ZEB deinitions
                                                                                   are most useful when
                                                                                   initiating discussions
                                                                                   related to materials.”

                       Tine Hegli
                       Architect, Snøhetta

          The zero emission concept developed by ZEB is clear and
          ambitious. Snøhetta uses ZEB definitions to promote the
          zero emission ambition whenever an opportunity arises -
          either directly to potential clients or through architecture
            A client commissioning a project often requests a “high
          environmental ambition” without always being clear about what
          this might entail. In Norway, the certification system BREEAM-
          NOR is often used as a guideline, but BREEAM communicates
          environmental ambition best within the building industry. Zero
          emissions or zero carbon footprint are well known concepts in   The ZEB definitions are most useful when initiating
          other sectors, as well as internationally, and are perhaps easier  discussions related to materials. This part is easy to understand
          to explain. Importantly, when using BREEAM as a planning  and provides immediate insight into the importance of making
          tool throughout all phases of a project, a number of additional  informed choices. This is an essential concern for architects at
          environmental concerns, such as transportation, water  the start of the design process - ambitions that are agreed on at
          management, pollution, and biodiversity, need to be included  this stage provide guidelines for a different kind of architecture.
          and systematised.                                   Snøhetta has used the ZEB definition in numerous completed
                                                           projects, in competitions and proposals, both nationally and
                                                           internationally. Some examples are:

                                                           •  Hospitalsgrunden in Hørsholm, housing development,
                                                             Denmark (competition)
                                                           •  House Zero, office rehabilitation, Boston, USA (under
                                                           •  East Hampton, housing development, New York (workshop)
                                                           •  Obama Presidential Centre, Chicago, USA (competition)
                                                           •  Åros, residential developments, Røyken, Norway (feasibility
                                                             study about to start)
                                                           •  Montesorri School, Powerhouse, Norway (under design)
                                                           •  Powerhouse Telemark (under design)
                                                           •  Regjeringskvartalet (competition)
                                                           •  Minimum 10-15 different workshops/presentations in
                                                             conjunction with Powerhouse
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