Page 55 - ZEB Final Report 2009-2017
P. 55

From Energy to Emissions – Kjørbo to Harvard & A Chain Reaction in the Industry   |  55

          A Chain Reaction in the Industry

          ZEB has proved that the construction industry is part of the solution.
          Statsbygg could not have managed to do this work alone.

                                          Statsbygg research format. Statsbygg has   •  Demanding fossil fuel -free
                      Zdena Cervenka      previously focused on applied research   construction sites
                      Senior Adviser,     to support production and deliverables.
                      Statsbygg           ZEB has provided the construction sector   Statsbygg participated from the

                                          with a new role and new knowledge; this   beginning in 2009 because we wanted
                                          was not something Statsbygg could have   buildings to be part of the solution
          The Centre on Zero Emission Buildings  managed alone, and we have therefore   to climate challenges and in order
          (ZEB) is the industry's first research center  given ZEB our wholehearted support.   to provide a strategic direction for
          for environmentally friendly energy.   By adopting ZEB concepts, the   Statsbygg's work with the environment.
          From the outset of the project, Statsbygg  building industry can contribute to   Statsbygg wanted to know more about
          has been an active partner, has been  emission reductions in other important   zero emission buildings and learn how to
          represented on ZEB's steering committee,  sectors, such as industry and transport   build them. This knowledge will now be
          and, importantly, has developed and  through:                    spread within our own organization and
          built its own pilot building.                                    throughout the construction industry.
            ZEB has played a vital role in efforts  •  Building energy efficient buildings   The ZEB-COM building on Campus
          to provide the building industry with a   which have the potential to generate   Evenstad is the most visible result of
          role in meeting climate challenges. ZEB   energy for other sectors which   Statsbygg's participation in ZEB and has
          has developed zero-emission definitions   currently use fossil fuels  provided us with valuable experience.
          for buildings, demonstrated that they  •  Developing and using new low   New  knowledge  and  innovation
          are feasible, and included actors from   emission materials      provide the basis for future standards
          the entire chain of stakeholders in  •  Helping to ensure that buildings are   and government regulations for zero-
          the Norwegian construction industry.   located close to public transport  emission buildings. ZEB has shown the
          Taking part in such a large and long-term  •  Encouraging and supporting fossil   way!
          research programme is not the traditional   fuel free transport

                                                                                “This knowledge will
                                                                                now be spread within
                                                                                our own organization
                                                                                and through out the
                                                                                construction industry.”

          The ZEB-COM building, Campus Evenstad, Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences. Photos: Leikny Havik Skjærseth.
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