Page 54 - ZEB Final Report 2009-2017
P. 54

54    |   ZEB Zero Emission Buildings  |  Final Report 2017

          Powerhouse Kjørbo, a renovated ofice building originally from 1979. Photos: Bo Mathisen.

          From Energy to Emissions – Kjørbo to Harvard

          ZEB has provided knowledge and opportunities for interaction with a
          network of companies with the same goal.

                      Rune Stene          should  give  Skanska  competitive  participation in the construction of
                      Director of Skanska   advantage and generate knowledge  several ZEB-pilot buildings (including
                      Technology, Head    within three main areas of development:  Kjørbo), we have shown that it is possible
                      of Powerhouse                                        to build climate efficient zero emission
                      Collaboration       •  Climate, energy, and the environment  buildings.
                                          •  Innovative materials and structures  Skanska's declared mission is to
          Skanska has been a dedicated partner in  •  Construction processes (productivity   develop, build, and maintain the physical
          the FME Zero Emission Buildings (ZEB),   and lean construction)  environment for living, travelling, and
          and the company aims to contribute in                            working. The establishment of the ZEB
          the transition to a low carbon society.   The Research Centre on Zero  Centre has enabled us to considerably
            The main objective of all Skanska  Emission Buildings has contributed most  increase targeted innovation to fulfil
          research and development activities is  to generating knowledge within Skanska  these goals and has strengthened Skanska
          to strengthen and support our overall  Norway in the area of climate, energy,  Norway's position as a centre of Nordic
          business plan. Furthermore, R&D must  and the environment.       competence within the Skanska Group.
          enhance our ability to stay ahead of our   Collaboration with the research  The results are important for the Skanska
          competitors as a leading green project  centre has enabled Skanska to increase  Group worldwide, and for two years
          developer and contractor in Norway,  focus on, and develop understanding  Skanska Norway has been exporting
          with a reputation for sustainability,  of, the energy dynamics of various  green know-how to US colleagues in a
          professional knowledge management,  categories of complex buildings (e.g.  zero emission project on the Harvard
          innovation, and diversity. R&D activities  homes, schools, and offices). Through  Campus in Cambridge, Massachussets.
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