Page 51 - ZEB Final Report 2009-2017
P. 51
Capturing Sunlight and Public Interest & Filed a Patent for a New Leca-Block | 51
Capturing Sunlight and Public Interest
With ZEB support, NorDan has developed intelligent windows
with integrated solar thermal collectors.
Rasmussen affirms that NorDan wanted to take part in ZEB
John Olav Rasmussen mainly because it combines energy, environment, and safety.
Director for Product They have delivered products to new buildings at Haakonsvern
Development, NorDan
in Bergen, passive products to the Skarpnes project in Arendal,
and vacuum insulation and passive type glazing in the sliding
doors in the Living Lab.
– All that remains is to see if the market is ready for this, says – NorDan has always been forward-looking and innovative.
John Olav Rasmussen from NorDan. It’s cheapest to be ranked as number two and wait. But that
Imagine a house where everything is apparently completely doesn’t interest us. Here we’ve established good relations with
normal. No disturbing solar cell installations on the roof, no air the academic community and have had a good interaction with
conditioner hanging on an outside of the wall. In NorDan Solar, other partners. We will continue to do so.
solar thermal collectors are integrated in the window frame and But the challenges are lined up:
deliver sun-warmed water to heat the house. – We need more government support to develop products
– They’re as good as maintenance free, and we avoid like this. Products that will offer an important contribution
problems with snow or leaves on the collector. It functions all to offsetting the effects of climate change in the coming
year round, says Rasmussen. years. It’s difficult to launch new products on a market when
The windows have been subject to thorough testing in the electricity prices are low and where the main focus is on panels,
ZEB, NTNU and SINTEF laboratories, where everything from and progress is not fast. Nevertheless, it’s important for us
moisture to leakage and efficiency was analysed. The window is to show that we’re innovative, which we believe will promote
designed so that it does not need annual inspection. collaboration with other leading partners.
“The windows have been subject to
thorough testing in the ZEB laboratories.”
Integrated solar thermal collectors, Steinveien, Stavern, Norway.