Page 50 - ZEB Final Report 2009-2017
P. 50

50    |   ZEB Zero Emission Buildings  |  Final Report 2017

          “Despite the fact that this is one
          single product, understanding
          the interaction between all the
          components is complex.”

          A new block: Leca block during testing in NTNU and SINTEF Laboratories, 2012.

          Filed a Patent for a New Leca-Block

          On the basis of solid ZEB documentation, Leca has now

          iled a patent for the building block of the future.

                                                           between all the components is complex. This has also been a
                      Oddvar Hyrve                         challenge for the researchers. But now we are in possession of
                      Senior Project Leader, Leca          so much solid documentation from the ZEB tests that we have
                                                           decided to file a patent.
                                                              There are two main reasons why Leca joined ZEB.
                                                              − We wanted to be part of a strong academic environment
          − We have developed the Leca block of today by adding some  with competence in construction, and we recognized that this
          new features which have given sensational results, says Oddvar  was a way to strengthen the construction industry and to build
          Hyrve, Leca’s senior project leader.             a network towards possible partners. In the masonry branch,
            As a response to a challenge from Skanska, Leca built a 50  there are not so many potential active partners, so it is important
          cm thick wall with a U-value below 0.1 in a building in Sweden.  for us to take part in collaborative projects such as this.
          Although this did the job, the engineers understood at once that   Having a small role has also offered challenges, according
          some new solutions were needed if this was to result in mass  to Hyrve.
          production.                                         − Perhaps there ought to be even clearer guidelines for how
            − We decided to test a vacuum panel in the centre of the  partners should be included in projects. Sometimes we had the
          block – a solution which would make walls considerably thinner,  feeling that there was an overload of researchers, and that it was
          but with the same low U-value. We have discussed ageing,  difficult for us to get some specific point across. People like us
          membranes, and heat insulation with ZEB. Despite the fact  in industry are probably often rather impatient, even though we
          that this is one single product, understanding the interaction  fully accept that long-term innovation is important.
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